Award is present to Professor Dr Naureen Anas by FREE PRESS for dedication in their respective feild
For partcipation maximum number of student
1. Award issued to Dr. Izzat Ali Professor in tha department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer for Best Clinical Work Sponsored by Drug Laboratories Meeruth. on the occasion of Indore Unani Seminar on Saturday Feb- 13-2021
2. Award issued to Dr. Shakeela Shafique Professor for Best Department of Munafeul Aaza Sponsored by Drug Laboratories Meeruth. on the occasion of Indore Unani Seminar on Saturday Feb-13-2021
3. Award issued to Dr. Mohammad Tabrez Professor for Best Department of Niswa Wa Qabalat for Best unani practitioner Sponsored by Druge Laboratories Meeruth. on the occasion of Indore Unani Seminar on Saturday Feb-13-2021
4. Award given to Miss Zoya Zarish BUMS III Year Student Best Attendance in Class
5. Caltural Activity Award givan to miss Foziya Qureshi BUMS III Year Student
6. Award given to Mrs. Zibran Mansori and Rehan Qureshi BUMS III Year Student for Best Attendance in the Class